Plantilla Drupal para planificador de bodas
og体育首页ONE - Descargas ilimitadas por $12.40USD/mes
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Templateog体育首页 es un mercado donde usted, como diseñador o desarrollador, puede vender su software de diseño web, plantillas de sitios web, elementos de diseño, complementos y extensiones. Conviértase en vendedor de productos digitales y gane hasta un 70 % de cada venta.
3 Reseñas de este producto
Whenever I have purchased themes for clients in the past, they tend to be overly complicated to achieve simple results and use far more modules than required. This theme was a welcome change, with most if not all sections created using standard options through Views or Drupal core blocks, meaning that tweaking and customisation is a straight forward process for whatever purpose you require. The only real negative or downside that I have found is the latest events section and event content types which really should use the Date module so that those content types can have date selection options as opposed to it using the node post date information from core, which seems a bit illogical and strange. I’ve been able to adjust it without too much effort, but a novice may find this awkward to customise when such a simple Date field option would make much more sense. Apart from that, it’s a clean and responsive system which looks great and works just as well.
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template AAA
It'ss a good template, of course it need some customization to use it, but the results are very good anyway. You can see it in production here:
Great website! Congratulations! We really appreciate that you share it with us. If there will be any difficulties or questions, feel free to contact our 24/7 free support -
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