Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet

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shoppingBag Értékesítések: 9


Created: 2017. jún. 5.

Updated: 2017. jún. 5.

ID: 63627

og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

500k elem | Kereskedelmi használat License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Támogatás Iratkozzon fel a termék Letöltéséhez  INGYEN
Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 1Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 2Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 3Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 4Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 5Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 6Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 7Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 8Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 9Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 10Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 11Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 12Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 13Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 14Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 15Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 16Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 17Kerbelco - PrestaShop téma kézitáska üzlet - Features Image 18

1 Reviews for this product

The css theme files and modules are minified. You guys should know better, if developers need minified files, we just can enable that option on the backend. The solutions is not to use online tools to unminified, because they are not always accurate. If you guys are planing to deliver only minified files, we would not make more purchases for Prestashop Themes.
Thank you for your feedback. You were provided the unminified css files in the ticket NMH-604-98729. CSS code can be minified and unminified with any code editor, like Sublime or PhpStorm. The minified code allows to optimize css size up to 50% and improve Google performance rates up to 10-15 points. Code minifying is the standard feature of the default Prestashop 1.7 theme. That is a new standard and we have started to implement that in 1.6 themes as well. Our aim is the best store performance. Unfortunately, Prestashop does not have the option to minify CSS code, only HTML one. Please, check the screenshot: Smarty cache for CSS option merges all css files into the single one, but does not minify the code. That is why this standard was implemented.

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