Everest - Hamarosan megjelenik a HTML5 speciális oldala

6 months of support Egy termék megvásárlása 6 hónap támogatásra jogosítja a szerzőtől. Ha többet tudna meg a részletekről, kérjük, olvassa el a támogatás politikát.

shoppingBag Értékesítések: 36


Created: 2017. aug. 23.

Updated: 2017. aug. 23.

ID: 64896

og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

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Everest - Hamarosan megjelenik a HTML5 speciális oldala - Features Image 1Everest - Hamarosan megjelenik a HTML5 speciális oldala - Features Image 2Everest - Hamarosan megjelenik a HTML5 speciális oldala - Features Image 3Everest - Hamarosan megjelenik a HTML5 speciális oldala - Features Image 4Everest - Hamarosan megjelenik a HTML5 speciális oldala - Features Image 5Everest - Hamarosan megjelenik a HTML5 speciális oldala - Features Image 6Everest - Hamarosan megjelenik a HTML5 speciális oldala - Features Image 7Everest - Hamarosan megjelenik a HTML5 speciális oldala - Features Image 8Everest - Hamarosan megjelenik a HTML5 speciális oldala - Features Image 9Everest - Hamarosan megjelenik a HTML5 speciális oldala - Features Image 10

1 Reviews for this product

I recently purchased the Everest HTML5 website template with high hopes of building a sleek and modern website for my project. Unfortunately, my experience with this template has been nothing short of a nightmare. From the moment I installed it, it became apparent that the CSS was completely broken. The website looked like a relic from the early days of the internet, with jumbled text and chaotic layouts. Attempting to customize the design was futile, as most CSS rules seemed to be ignored altogether. What's even more frustrating is the utter indifference of the author towards the issues. Despite reaching out multiple times for assistance, I was met with complete silence. It seems like once the author has your money, they couldn't care less about whether their product actually works or if their customers are satisfied. In conclusion, I strongly advise against purchasing the Everest HTML5 website template. It's a waste of both time and money, and the lack of customer support is simply unacceptable. Save yourself the headache and look elsewhere for a reliable website template from a reputable provider.

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Customer Support

4,1 /5
Support rating (277 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 52
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


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A szoftverek és a tárhely követelményei:

Adobe Photoshop CS+ Adobe Photoshop CS+
A ZIP csomag kicsomagolásához: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac) A ZIP csomag kicsomagolásához: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac)
Apache Szerver Apache Szerver
Sublime Text2 vagy újabb, Notepad++ Sublime Text2 vagy újabb, Notepad++
PHP v. 5.4 vagy magasabb PHP v. 5.4 vagy magasabb