Ms.Candy - Sweet Shop Modern OpenCart Template - Features Image 1Ms.Candy - Sweet Shop Modern OpenCart Template - Features Image 2Ms.Candy - Sweet Shop Modern OpenCart Template - Features Image 3Ms.Candy - Sweet Shop Modern OpenCart Template - Features Image 4Ms.Candy - Sweet Shop Modern OpenCart Template - Features Image 5Ms.Candy - Sweet Shop Modern OpenCart Template - Features Image 6

Use this Sweet Shop Modern OpenCart Theme to get a fully functional website for your online sweet store just in few minutes. Being built on OpenCart, one of the greatest opensource e-commerce platforms ever, it has a wide set of features. First, this theme has multi-currency support. And also an Ajax search and Ajax cart, that will make your visitors able to use the live search function and to immediately see the total price when they change the number of products in their carts. Customers will also be able to navigate between different products by clicking on the next and previous products within the same lightbox. Use this theme to boost your sales. And for all our premium products we offer free support.

8 Reviews for this product

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When i saw this template at the first time i was shocked! It's really perfect. I like sweet muffins.
Использовали Шаблон для образовательных целей. То что нужно. Спасибо ребятам, которые периодически выставляют некоммерческие шаблоны.
The template that I purchased it was very simple to work with and had everything I needed!
Esta plantilla gratuita OpenCart es ideal para hacer un blog o una página web a nivel personal de un sitio relacionado con la repostería, aunque debido a su flexibilidad se podría acomodar a sitios con otras temáticas diferentes, como por ejemplo un blog de venta de artículos de regalo o artesanales. Es una plantilla muy visual y muy intuituva en la que podrás jugar con combinaciones de fotografías y colores diferentes, tamaños, títulos o menús. Navegabilidad sencilla.
it was good . i would be better so keep work on that so other can use it.

2 Comments for this product

This Procces Will Work For Opencart 3.x ??
Hello Akash Sukhadia. Thank you for question. This template is compatible with Opencart 2.1x only. Templateog体育首页 does not provide support services on free templates - including this one. We only provide support for the products that are being purchased from Templateog体育首页. Regards, JJ Blackstone
Очень хороший и приятный шаблон. Немного конечно пришлось помучатся с ним, но в принципе как и с любым шаблоном опенкарт. Но это того стоит, так как приятный вид и не нагруженный функционал даёт хороший внешний вид и быстрый отклик. В общем, я бы рекомендовал если вы не хотите тратить деньги на шаблон и хотите получить что то не плохое на выходе. Ну и конечно если вы немного понимаете в верстке и можете менять внешний дизайн сайта корректируя программный код. Качайте, тренируйтесь, дерзайте. Честно - я несколько раз понервничал при изменении внешнего вида.

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Support rating (277 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 52
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
