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Magento. How to add static blocks to product details pages (starting from template 55000+)

Eva Fox November 18, 2015
Rating: 5.0/5. From 4 votes.
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This tutorial will show you how to add static blocks to product details pages of your Magento store (starting from template 55000+).

Magento. How to add static blocks to product details pages (starting from template 55000+)

  1. Log into your Magento admin panel.

  2. Navigate to CMS -> Static Block -> Add New Block:

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  3. Create a static block. We will use “contact_info” as block Identifier:

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  4. After that open the file app/design/frontend/tm_themes/themeXXX/layout/local.xml, where XXX is your theme number. Find the reference below:

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  5. Add the following code right below the reference:


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  6. In case your template comes with right sidebar area, you should find the reference name “right”:

  7. Make sure to replace “contact_info” identifier with your own one.

  8. Save the file. Clear Magento cache. Navigate to product page to see the changes:

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Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Magento. How to add static blocks to product details pages (starting from template 55000+)

Responsive Magento Themes
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