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Magento Troubleshooter. Merge JavaScript option issues

Andre Flores August 24, 2015
Rating: 5.0/5. From 3 votes.
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Hello! This video tutorial shows how to fix issues which occur after the “Merge JavaScript Files” option is enabled in your Magento store.

Magento Troubleshooter. Merge javascript option issues

The “Merge JavaScript Files” option may improve the site load speed by combining Javascript into fewer files and compressing them.

There are some issues with the scripted elements of the template, such as user menu, categories menu, language and currency switchers etc. that may occur when the “Merge JavaScript Files” option is enabled in your admin panel:


Let’s learn how to resolve these issues on the example of the menu.

  1. Locate the superfish.js file in the /skin/frontend/tm_themes/themeXXX/js/ directory via FTP/hosting control panel File Manager:


  2. Open the file for editing and find the following piece of code:

;(function ($)

Simply add an exclamation mark (!) before the function so it looks as follows:

;!(function ($)


Do not forget to save the file to see the changes. You may also need to clear Magento cache for the changes to apply.

Navigate to your store front-end and refresh the page. You can see the menu functions properly now.

This is the end of the tutorial, you have learnt how to fix issues which occur after the “Merge JavaScript Files” option is enabled in your Magento store.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Magento Troubleshooter. Merge javascript option issues

Magento Premium Templates
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